The video on the right is just one example for the many applications enabled by correlative AFM and SEM measurements. Have a look at the list below to discover more!
On the right you can see a correlative measurement of a Au nanoparticle inside Quantum Design’s FusionScope ®. Thanks to the perpendicular view via the SEM you are able to observe in real time the scanning of the AFM tip of the sample surface and how it interacts with it.
Correlative AFM and SEM Measurement of Au Nanoparticle
This video is just one example for the many applications enabled by correlative AFM and SEM measurements. You can observe a correlative measurement of a Au nanoparticle inside Quantum Design’s FusionScope ®. Thanks to the perpendicular view via the SEM you are able to observe in real time the scanning of the AFM tip of the sample surface and how it interacts with it. During the measurement showcased in the video, the topograühy data pictured below was obtained.
Correlative In-Situ AFM & SEM Analysis of Bone Collagen at the Nanoscale
Fast and easy identification and imaging of lacunae with FusionScope;: Real 3D topography with sub-nm resolution
Cutting edge measurements with the AFSEM®
Use complementary information from SEM and AFM to image complex samples like razor blades with na-nometre precision.
Correlative EBSD, SEM and AFM analysis of ZrO2 ceramics
In situ analysis of martensitic transition in ZrO2 ceramics with AFSEM®
In-situ magnetic force microscopy analysis of magnetic multilayers and duplex steel with AFSEM®
Analyze magnetic properties of your sample with nanometer resolution using AFSEM®
Nanoindentation analysis with AFSEM®
Observe the indentation by SEM, measure it with AFSEM®
Conductive AFM in SEM using Solid Platinum Tips
AFSEM® enables in-situ study of the gradual effect of the irradiation dose on topography and conductivity, without sample transfer
Analysis of tensile stress samples with AFSEM®
Observe the sample changes by SEM, measure details with AFSEM®
Correlative in-situ analysis of bone collagen
Fast and easy identification and imaging of lacunae with AFSEM™: Real 3D topography with sub-nm resolution