Project Description

Use complementary information from SEM and AFM to image complex
samples like razor blades with nanometre precision.
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Basic working principle of the AFSEM®: The cantilever bends due to interactions between tip and sample and is measured via piezoresis-tive strain sensors.

The AFSEM® system is shown. This variable setup fits into almost any SEM or multibeam instrument.

(Left) AFSEM® and razor blade sample holder mounted in the SEM chamber. (Right) SEM image of the cantilever tip a few micrometres above the razor blade. The tip geometry, as well as the topography of the razor blade can be seen

3D representation of the topography of the surface of the razor blade. The measurement has a lateral size of 5μm x 24 μm with nanometre resolution.

(Left) AFM topography image of another spot on the razor blade. A “double-groove” feature can be seen in the 3D representation. (Right) Line scans at two different positions on the razor blade that enable to analyse the blade radius with nanometre resolution.

- Fast and easy identification of your region of interest
- Correlative in-situ SEM & AFM analysis
- Applicable to unusual and difficult to access samples
- Variable setup fits into almost any SEM or multibeam instrument